- The Grand Tetons
- Group hero shot
- A shy, quiet nurse from Chicago, in a coon-skin cap
- Obligatory, Jackson Hole, Antler Arch photo
- Captain Morgain(s)
- Breakfast on the final day
- Describing the events of the day
- Don and Shirley
- Don on his new Multi 1200
- The old Historic Henry Store
- First Stop in Laketown
- Lunch Stop in Garden City
- Drinking on the Hotel Porch
- Don Riding Snake River Canyon
- Snaking through Snake River Canyon
- Red Leaves in Snake River Canyon
- Riding North of Jackson Hole
- Wet Roads
- Fall Colors
- Stunning Colors
- Eating Lunch At Fishing Bridge
- Situating Bikes
- Skyline Cafe
- Breakfast at Hansel and Gretels